Diary of a Homeschool Dad - Week 37

Early on in the quarantine, we started hearing about the phrase "new normal" and certain things have definitely changed. Some of them will be hard habits to break by the time the next school year rolls around and I finally return to my office. But either way, we're going to try to enjoy each step along the journey! Sunday - The pews continue to get filled up more each week at church, and now there are no more ropes closing off every second row. I'm glad to see more folks getting comfortable as they start getting back to being around others. After church we snagged some Mongolian BBQ for lunch on the way home. Girly had youth choir in the evening, so Curly and I had an hour to kill before Bible Drill began - Daddy/daughter date night at the Greek restaurant! Once the kids finished up their final practice before the upcoming state competition, we headed back home where my mom was arriving to spend a few nights. She opted to stay in our guest room ...