Biblical Nations - Jewish Zealots

Zealots Key Passage: Acts 5:37 Figures: Simon This week, as we move past another major milestone for the site, we're going to study a group that may seem similar to the focus of last week. Their viewpoints on the social impact of Hellenization may have been similar, but the tactics they employed were vastly different. Unlike the Essenes, whose practices reflected much in the actions of both Jesus and John the Baptist, the Zealots were much more confrontational and lived by a code that the early church had to reject. Their actions were a major factor that ultimately led to the fulfillment of one of Jesus' prophecies. Let's dig into the story of the Zealots. More of a social movement than an actual political party, the Zealots existed during the time of Roman control but could trace their inspiration all the way back to the time of Moses. During Israel's period of wandering, a plague broke out within the camp due to their Baal worship and immorality, but the ...