Biblical Nations - Jewish Pharisees

Pharisees Key Scripture: Luke 11:39-54 Figures: Nicodemus, Gamaliel, Saul This week we reach one of the most commonly-referenced groups in the Gospels, the Pharisees. As one of the most important groups in Jewish culture during the first century AD, this group combined political and religious influence through their emphasis on morality. Although several of Jesus' followers came from among their number, Christ had some of his harshest exchanges with them. Although they were exceptionally well thought of among the population, the Pharisees are today considered to be unpopular and their ways undesirable. By studying the history, beliefs, and actions of this group we'll get to understand them a bit better. Like most of the groups we have studied within Jewish culture, the Pharisees trace their origins back to the time of the Hasmonean dynasty. They seem to have arisen shortly after the Maccabean Revolt alongside the Sadducees, but were largely made up of...