Biblical Nations - Jewish Zealots


Key Passage: Acts 5:37

Figures: Simon

This week, as we move past another major milestone for the site, we're going to study a group that may seem similar to the focus of last week.  Their viewpoints on the social impact of Hellenization may have been similar, but the tactics they employed were vastly different.  Unlike the Essenes, whose practices reflected much in the actions of both Jesus and John the Baptist, the Zealots were much more confrontational and lived by a code that the early church had to reject.  Their actions were a major factor that ultimately led to the fulfillment of one of Jesus' prophecies.  Let's dig into the story of the Zealots.

More of a social movement than an actual political party, the Zealots existed during the time of Roman control but could trace their inspiration all the way back to the time of Moses.  During Israel's period of wandering, a plague broke out within the camp due to their Baal worship and immorality, but the violent actions of Phinehas halted God's judgment.  Observing an Israelite man brazenly taking a Midianite woman into his tent, Aaron's grandson took a spear in his hand and pierced both of them through their midsections in the middle of their sinful act.  God praised the zeal of Phinehas and stated that because he had made atonement for the people his descendents would receive perpetual priesthood.  The Zealots during the time of Jesus seem to have understood the lesson to be that violence against any who threatened the purity of the Jews was not only acceptable, but necessary to avoid holy punishment. 

The historian Josephus suggests that the Zealots were an offshoot of the Pharisees that were dedicated to the principle of liberty, and that they were likely formed as a revolt against the very same census that brought Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem.  One of their founders, Judas of Galilee, was referenced by the great teacher Gamaliel during his defense of Peter and other apostles in Acts 5.  Although all of the Zealots opposed both Roman rule as well as the family of high priests in Jerusalem, it seems to have varied from place to place whether they were more concerned with spiritual or secular reform.  It is fascinating that among Jesus' closest group of followers were Simon the Zealot and Matthew the tax collector (who was therefore an employee and supporter of the Roman government).  Zealots may also have been among the group of conspirators who played a role in the attempted murder of Paul a few decades later, although that isn't certain. 

Although Gamaliel claimed that the followers of Judas of Galilee had dispersed following his death, that doesn't seem to have been entirely accurate.  Among with a parallel group known as the Sicarii, one of the earliest recorded organizations of assassins, the Zealots led a revolt against the Roman Imperial Cult that successfully liberated Jerusalem from foreign rule in AD 66.  It was a hollow victory, as the Zealots ruled by terror and willfully killed Jews that were deemed to have supported the Romans.  Emperor Nero sent troops to crush the rebellion, which culminated in the destruction of the city and of Herod's Temple in AD 70, fulfilling the words of Jesus that every stone of the magnificent structure would be overthrown.  The surviving instigators of the war fled to the desert fortress of Masada where they endured a long siege before choosing mass suicide over capture at the hands of the Romans who would have likely tortured and crucified them.  As Jesus had stated the night of his betrayal, those who lived by the sword also perished by the sword.  As of AD 73 the Jewish lands were conquered, Roman rule was absolute, and the Zealots had ceased to exist.


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