Diary of a Homeschool Dad: Week 20

Christmas is full of so many wonderful things, but with no school this week I'm not entirely sure the blog title is applicable.  Oh well, we're going with it anyway! 

Sunday - For the final Sunday before Christmas, our family lit the church advent candle.  The girls did all the work, with Girly praying, Curly reading Scripture, and Whirly lighting the candles.  These kids are awesome!  After the worship service, Mrs. Geographist went to be with her family to begin planning for her grandmother's funeral while I taught our 5th grade Bible study class.  The girls and I joined them in the afternoon, and some sweet family friends provided a meal for us all. 

Monday - After being off for a week, it was time to get back to work.  I spent quite a bit of time answering requests at home while Mrs. Geo returned to help finalize plans with the funeral home and cemetery.  I also took a trip with Girly to the DPS to finally take that pesky learner's permit test.  She passed!  Both I and my insurance company can now celebrate.


Tuesday - Let the family holidays begin!  After Whirly had a martial arts lesson (her first as a new yellow belt) and Curly had her first basketball practice of the season, we headed to my parents' house.  And since we have a new driver in the house, why not let her have some time behind the wheel along the way?  Girly did a great job handling the freeway - a challenge I didn't try for weeks when I was learning to drive.  Now we just have to get her used to driving in town. 

Wednesday - Christmas with my family always includes gingerbread houses, and this year didn't disappoint.  My mom and Mrs. Geo helped the younger two, while the oldest pretty much refused any assistance (not even from the instructions).  And, of course, all the girls also played card games while the boys tried to wrap up all the work stuff for the week.  To wrap up the day, it was time for my wife's two favorite Christmas movies: Muppets Christmas Carol and White Christmas. 

Thursday - If most kids are honest, they love most things about Christmas but nothing can compete with presents!  After having an outstanding meal (including the all-important desserts), we passed out the gifts for everyone present.  Well, technically our dog was there but he got nothing but a bit of turkey scraps.  After we all took our turns, it was time to get dressed up for church and the Christmas Eve candlelight service.  There's something very comforting about a small town church lit by candles as we all remember the Reason for the holiday.  We drove around to check out some neighborhood lights, and then headed home. 

Friday - Our first Christmas morning at our own home in a few years was terrific.  We all opened our stockings and family presents as the oven cooked up plenty of sweets for breakfast.  Then it was off to celebrate with Mrs. Geographist's side of the family, where the tradition is for everyone to gather around the friers to help cook (and sample) jalapeno poppers, hush puppies, and fish.  After lunch we exchanged gifts, watched sports, and played games.  At last we headed home, tired but grateful for a wonderful Christmas. 

Saturday - The final celebration of the week was for the life of Mrs. Geo's grandmother.  We all gathered at the funeral home to say farewell to a great lady.  She was specifically remembered for her dedication to family and her church, and those impacts will carry on for years to come.  After the service and a family meal, we returned home and packed our bags.  But you'll have to tune in next week to see what happened.

I wish everyone a merry Christmas, and may the new year bring blessings to each of you!


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